The Brooklake Resource Center is about serving our community.

Open Every Sunday
The Brooklake Resource Center is located right here on the Brooklake Campus and is open every Sunday from 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM or call (253) 517-8198 to schedule an appointment.

Join the Outreach Team
We offer lots of opportunities to serve throughout the year.

What is the Brooklake Resource Center?
Everyone is welcome to access our resources, support services and opportunities to serve.
Our Resource Center extends our mission and values of Brooklake Church out into our community with the desire to love one another so that all may thrive as children of God redeemed by Jesus.
As we come alongside our community we also seek to draw both ourselves and others closer to Jesus, raise dignity, attend to root causes, draw upon God-given strengths, skills and talents, foster community, and bring all things to God in prayer.
What resources do you provide?
- Support Services (Employment Assistance, Computer Access, Referrals to Community Services, Community Groups, Prayer)
- Community Garden
- Clothing Bank
- Food Pantry
- Diapers
When can I visit?
Drop-in Sundays 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM or Monday – Friday 9 AM - 3 PM by appointment.
Who do you partner with?
World Relief Western Washington, Communies in Schools, FUSION, Puyallup Food Bank, Grocery Outlet Federal Way, Food Lifeline, and Light of Christ Community Garden
How can I get involved?
Come serve with us! There are many opportunies to serve alongside our community and make a difference. Click here to find out our roles and complete the interest survey. Or contact Holly Andrews at
How can I give?
There are 2 main ways to give.
- Donate: We can accept non-perishable food items, diapers and clothing. Please refer to the Donation Guide for specific items that work best in our Resource Center.
- Give: Your financial gift supports the overall outreach programs we run through the Resource Center including our outreaches with our partners.

We’re People Just Like You
We’re People Just Like You

Everyone is welcome.
Seriously. Every week at Brooklake, Christians and non-Christians, seekers and skeptics, the fired-up and the burned-out all come together to learn the ins and outs of Jesus’ great invitation into a new life.