Join a House Church. Life is better together.

We don’t just go to church.
House Churches are made up of everyday people figuring out what it looks like to follow Jesus together. House Churches are where everyone, of all ages, all races, all stages of life, all stages of faith, can find common unity and belonging in the family of God. Oh, and we invite our neighbors, co-workers, baristas, house cleaners, barbers, and friends to join, because we see people meet Jesus in House Churches.
House Churches are, admittedly, a high commitment environment. It’s a group of people you’re committing to follow Jesus with for the foreseeable future. The good news is - everyone there is committed to you as well. It’s in the context of relationships built in House Churches that we learn to live out our faith together. We’ve got room at the table for you.
Regionally Based
We believe the best kind of community happens with people who actually live in your community. House Churches are regionally based to encourage more natural interactions and to create a shared mission for your neighborhood.
More than a Small Group
House Churches are unlike anything we’ve ever done before. They are communities that are devoted to the Bible, devoted to loving one another, devoted to eating meals together, and devoted to prayer.
Life Together
Life is better together. House Churches are where everyone, of all ages, races, all stages of life, all stages of faith, can find common unity and belonging in the family of God. Oh, and we invite our neighbors, coworkers, and friends to join, because we want to see more people meet Jesus in our region.
Do House Church gatherings replace Sunday gatherings?
No. We’re continuing to host Sunday Gatherings as we’ve always done. However, some House Churches may choose to gather on Sunday Mornings and engage in the service from a home somewhere in our city, and we totally support it.
Is this a “Small Group”?
Nope. House Churches aren't home groups, small groups, Bible Studies, etc. House Churches are unlike anything we've ever done before. In fact, they're also different than Meet-Ups (and btw, you should attend a Meet-Up if you haven't already). House Churches will be devoted to the Bible, devoted to loving one another like family, devoted to eating meals together in remembrance of all Jesus has done, and devoted to prayer. They're also passionate about multiplying all around the region, so that we might make Jesus known to everyone, everywhere.
What do House Churches do?
Here's the simple answer, they live life in community together. House Churches devote themselves to taking care of one another (like, they help each other with bills, car repairs, etc.). They devote themselves to Scripture (in one way or another, all House Churches gather around the Bible). They devote themselves to the breaking of bread (Jesus did this, so we do too... we eat good food together. Who doesn't like that?). They devote themselves to prayer (all House Churches incorporate prayer into their gathering and into their overall identity. We believe that prayer not only changes us and our desires, but that God, like a loving Father, responds to our cries). In short, House Churches are where everyone, of all ages, all races, all stages of life, all stages of faith, can find common unity and belonging in the family of God. Oh, and we invite our neighbors, co-workers, baristas, house cleaners, barbers, and friends to join, because we see people meet Jesus in House Churches.
How many House Churches do we want to plant?
We want to cover our region (and beyond) in Brooklake House Churches. As soon as a House Church is growing beyond it's limits, and new Leaders have been identified and raised up, those Leaders will be sent out with others to start a new House Church in their own neighborhood. At the end of the day, we think it'd be cool if everyone was within walking distance of their House Church.
Why are House Churches regionally based?
This is a really common question, and the answer is quite simple: House Churches are regionally based so that we can plan for natural interactions outside of the scheduled House Church meeting time. Here's what we mean - when you're driving 30 minutes to House Church, you probably won't see those people again all week long. But if you're House Church is just up the street, you begin running into one another at the grocery store, at the gym, at the park etc. It's easier to schedule one-off coffee's with people in your House Church. It's easier to get together at the local park and let the kids play. It's easier to rally around the needs of a neighborhood you both call home. So, here's the thing, you can join any house church you want, and until there's a House Church near you, you might have to drive a bit. But the vision is that you'd be living in community with people who actually live in your community.
How do I start?
It's so cool that you want to lead a House Church! House Churches will be led by biblically qualified leaders, who have a desire to raise up new leaders and send them out. In other words, new House Church Leaders will be born from within existing House Churches, and will have been trained by existing House Church Leaders. Your House Church Leaders would love to walk with you, train you up, hold you to a biblical standard, point you back to Jesus, and in time, send you out to start something in your own neighborhood. So if you'd like to start a House Church, your first step is to join one, and tell the Leaders of your House Church that you feel like the Spirit is directing you to start a House Church of your own.

We’re People Just Like You
We’re People Just Like You

Everyone is welcome.
Seriously. Every week at Brooklake, Christians and non-Christians, seekers and skeptics, the fired-up and the burned-out all come together to learn the ins and outs of Jesus’ great invitation into a new life.