Find your people at Brooklake.

We don’t just go to church.
We gather mid-week in House Churches. The word “church” literally means, “the people”. We like to say it this way, “we don’t just go to church, we are the church.” Practically, that means we gather on Sundays for worship and teaching, but we also gather mid-week for meals, connection, prayer, and encouragement.

Communities at Brooklake

Meet-Ups are one-time and recurring opportunities to gather around the things you love. Things like pick up basketball, Bible studies, hiking adventures, and moms groups are all in bounds. Host your own this week!
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House Churches
House Churches are communities of Jesus-followers (and not-yet-followers) who gather weekly for a shared meal and fellowship. They’re motivated by the scriptures and the belief that Jesus works in the ordinary moments around tables and living rooms. Join one today!
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Brooklake Youth
Brooklake Youth meets on Wednesday nights for games, Bible teaching, and community. We also get together on Sundays, and we host regular events all throughout the year. Come join us!
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We’re People Just Like You
We’re People Just Like You

Everyone is welcome.
Seriously. Every week at Brooklake, Christians and non-Christians, seekers and skeptics, the fired-up and the burned-out all come together to learn the ins and outs of Jesus’ great invitation into a new life.