21 Days of
Prayer and Fasting

a man folds his hands in prayer over a bible

Seek first God and His kingdom.

God is calling our church to begin 2025 with 21 days of intentional seeking first God and His Kingdom. We are desperate for the Holy Spirit to come, bringing the presence of Jesus. 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting runs Monday, Jan 6th through Sunday, Jan 26th.

Fasting, with focused prayer, is an ancient Biblical practice that awakens our need for God and helps us realize He is all we need. Through fasting and prayer we experience His presence and His promise to always be with us as we make space for Him. Jesus fasted and prayed regularly and it is assumed in scripture, Christians will too. As we do, it is promised that we will experience God and His power in new ways.

This Year’s Focus

Come, Holy Spirit 

Prayer Meetings

This year all of our House Churches, Meet-Ups and Teams will be making space for focused prayer around our theme, Come, Holy Spirit. Now is the time to join a Brooklake community.

Night of Worship and Prayer

Wednesday, Jan 22nd we will gather to glorify Jesus through song and seek Him through prayer. During this gathering we will be focusing our prayer on our theme: Come, Holy Spirit. And we are expecting God to move powerfully in our midst as we welcome Him to do as He wills. 

Daily Prayer Guide

Each morning we will text a Daily Prayer Guide to help us journey together through this years focus. To receive this daily guide, text "21Days" to 253-300-4815.

Why fast?

Biblical fasting is abstaining from, or altering, consumption (most commonly food) for a spiritual purpose. The primary focus in fasting is to fix our eyes on Jesus and to listen to the voice and direction of Holy Spirit. 

“First, let [fasting] be done unto the Lord with our eye singly fixed on him. Let our intention herein be this, and this alone, to glorify our Father which is in heaven.” – John Wesley

“Fasting from any nourishment, activity, involvement or pursuit—for any season—sets the stage for God to appear.” – Dan B. Lender

How do you recommend I fast?

There are many ways to fast. This year we have chosen three ways to participate. Begin asking God now how He would have you participate.

Please note: If you have potential medical concerns, you should consult your doctor to make sure that you are able to participate. If you are unable to fast food, you may choose a variation of option 2.

Option 1: Some Meals

Fasting from 1 or 2 meals daily or 1 or more days of no food per week. 

Option 2: Altered Diet

Due to medical and other considerations, participating by altering your diet for the duration of the fast might be wisest for you, like vegetables only.

Option 3: All Meals

Fasting from all food except for water, juice and other broths for the duration of the 21 days.

Other considerations is fasting from caffeine, alcohol and/or media in addition to one of the options above.

What should I expect while fasting?

Heightened Emotional Sensitivity

Especially at first you will experience emotions like anger and maybe even sadness more intensely. This is because you are depriving and disciplining your appetite. Press through this phase and more importantly, press into Jesus.

Physical Affects

Changing the amount and type of nutrients you intake on a regular basis could possibly affect your energy levels at first. However, most people who practice fasting report increased energy and mental clarity after a certain point. 

Spiritual Renewal

Don't judge success on feelings. That said, expect to experience the presence of God as He is welcomed into your life to takes up space normally given to physical things.

How do I pray?

For some, this will be the first time to pray in such a focused and intentional way. It may seem a bit daunting. This is normal. Make sure you sign up to receive the Daily Prayer Guide, text "21Days" to 253-300-4819. Plan to attend the Night of Worship & Prayer, Wednesday, Jan 22th as well as get connected to a Brooklake community. We are here to help and we’re in this together.


a middle-aged man embraces an older man and both smile

We’re People Just Like You

We’re People Just Like You

A spinning circular decoration reading "Join us on Sundays"

Everyone is welcome.

Seriously. Every week at Brooklake, Christians and non-Christians, seekers and skeptics, the fired-up and the burned-out all come together to learn the ins and outs of Jesus’ great invitation into a new life.